Prolink software updates – FAQs about version 4.3

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With the launch of version 4.3 across the Prolink software portfolio, there are changes being made to previous software versions.

All version 3.4 products will no longer be eligible for upgrades and will have limited technical support, but considering that a large number of customers are still running version 3.4 products, Prolink UK is offering a limited-time special price for upgrade and maintenance purchases through to the end of September 2024.

All customers who own version 3.4 software and do not have maintenance in place will be eligible to upgrade their software at a 40% discount off normal upgrade charges and will also receive 50% off maintenance when purchased at the same time.

Version 3.4 was released in 2013, with version 4.0 released in September 2018, version 4.1 in June 2023 and version 4.3 available from September 2024.

Take a look at these FAQs to find out more about version 4.3 and how it may impact your Prolink products.

I am running V3.4, will my products continue to be supported?

No, all V3.4 products will have limited technical support and won’t be eligible for upgrades from September 2024.

Prolink software newer than V3.4 does not run on XP. So why upgrade? By purchasing the upgrade and maintenance, you will be eligible to install V4.3 when the PC is upgraded / replaced with a Windows 10 or 11 operating system.

You will only be able to run up to V4.0 on Windows 7 and 8. So why upgrade? By purchasing the upgrade and maintenance, you will be eligible to install V4.3 when the PC is upgraded / replaced with a Windows 10 or 11 operating system.

You will be able to run V4.3 of Real-Time, SPC Pro, QC-CALC Monitor, QC-Gage and Gage Station in Windows 10 and 11.

All products on V4.0 and 4.1 will continue to be supported and are eligible for upgrades.

All products on V4.0 and 4.1 will continue to be supported and are eligible for upgrades.

V4.3 is available for new products launched in September 2024 – QC-CALC SPC Pro, QC-CALC SPC, SPC Service and QC-CALC Monitor.

QC-CALC SPC V3.4 and V4.x, Enterprise Report Scheduler (ERS) V3.4 and V4.x, ERS Service V4.x and QC-CALC SPC Lite V3.4 and V4.x are all being discontinued. ERS V3.4 and V4.x is being replaced by QC-CALC SPC Pro V4.3 and ERS Service V4.x is being replaced by SPC Service V4.3.

V4.3 now includes a fully customisable user interface and a more modern look and feel. It now provides one central database for all measurement data, available to view from your phone, tablet or PC. Data changes are now fully traceable and software can be easily locked down to your specification.

QC-CALC SPC Pro V4.3 is replacing Enterprise Report Scheduler with many more reporting options, including scheduling. There is an updated and modernised display and printing of reports, with enhanced data search, grouping and selection capabilities, allowing users to search for data factory-wide and analyse data by work station or department.

QC-CALC SPC V4.3 now includes more modern reports and provides easy analysis of multiple part numbers and suppliers.

If you have any further questions or want to find out more about the version 4.3 updates and how it affects you, contact the Prolink UK team here.