Don't waste time with manual data collection

SPC Solutions

SPC tools and procedures can help you monitor process behaviour, discover issues in internal systems and find solutions for production issues. At Prolink, we believe your time is valuable and should not be spent dealing with manual data collection. That is why QC-CALC is known throughout the industry as the easiest SPC data collection software to implement. 

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Working with all interfaces

We integrate drivers from over 250 makes, models, and versions of every piece of automatic inspection equipment on the market allowing you to choose it from a list.

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Which product is right for you?

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QC-CALC Real-Time

Collect and display measurement results from all CMMs, video CMMs and hand gauges automatically.

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Remove problem parts easily with colour-coded squares to identify dimensional and tolerancing issues.

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The package allows you to monitor and control your processes through SPC charts and reports.

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SPC Office Buddy

End manual data entry once and for all, using CMM data collected by QC-CALC Real-Time.

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GageStation is a full-featured data collection application for use with handheld gauges.

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QC-PLC is an application that collects data directly from the registers on PLCs

Unleash the power of precision with Prolink

Tap into a range of innovative features for your measurement system with our user-friendly quality control software. Improve inspection efficiency and explore comprehensive data analysis. Reach out to learn more about how Prolink can propel your metrology processes to new heights.